Posts tagged now playing
Along with that azz, include the data

I heard a harrowing story last night of a young man who lost 38 weeks of photos and video from a cross-country road trip because his car was broken into in Fargo, North Dakota. All his data was on his computer, backed up to thumb drives that were also in his car (and also stolen).  

Can you feel that pain? He was making a film . 


I think there are two lessons here. First, don't go to Fargo. Second, while you are busy backing that azz up, include your data in that backup.  

When I get the dough, I'm going to use File Transporter. For now, I backup on external drives that I store off-site and Dropbox.  

Sidebar: I really love this excerpt from the Wikipedia article about "Back that Thang Up", the non-explicit version of "Back that Azz Up": 

"The song, an explicit exploration of the same themes as Sir Mix-a-Lot's "Baby Got Back..."

And, for your Thursday pleasure (and because this is how my brain works): an extremely white version of "Baby Got Back":

Bonnie "Prince" Billy and Deli Radio

If you weren't at Bonnie "Prince" Billy's show last night to benefit the Network Center for Community Change, well, lo siento. 

But, if you don't want to miss great live music in Louisville (or anywhere), here is a radio station I made on my buddy Howie Cockrill's smoking-good website, Deli Radio, of all the bands coming to Louisville in the next two weeks.  Happy Monday. 

DeliRadio allows you to create custom playlists based on location and genre(s) to find live music where you live (or—and I use this a lot—where you're traveling to). WELCOME TO THE FUTURE.  

John Stewart Explains and Lampoons MERS, the "Mortgage Electronic Registration System"

I love Jon Stewart (@thedailyshow) for his ability and willingness to explain and lampoon MERS.  

As a foreclosure defense attorney, I have to spend a lot of time explaining to clients, opposing counsel, and courts things like the Uniform Commercial Code, residential mortgage-backed securities, pooling and servicing agreements, and, yes, MERS. I really admire Jon Stewart's ability to cut to the heart of a really (and purposefully) complicated and opaque system for privatizing the responsibility for recording the ownership of mortgages across America and the damage that privatization has done to countless homeowners. 


On this team, we fight for those inches

A few years ago, my best friend, Billy Parker, shared this halftime speech with me. It has become an important message for me to hear from time to time. It is especially important to me as an attorney that represents consumers and homeowners who are counting on me to fight some of America's most powerful, well-connected, well-funded industries. Life is fighting for inches and I hope my clients know that I understand that.